Robert "Bob" Pastorino's Memorial Website | Ever Loved


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Helping hands

In lieu of flowers

In lieu of flowers, consider a gift to Sons of Italy in America.


Robert Pastorino died peacefully at his home on November 2nd, 2020. He was 90 years old.

Bob was a man who loved the finer things in life. The dapper Italian-American gentleman was known to slick his hair with olive oil and adorn himself in the finest clothes. He loved to eat delicious food, drink tasty beverages, and laugh with friends.

A newspaper article once described him as having the “smile of a greek god, the …

Event details

Memorial events are private

There are no plans to hold a public service at this time due to Covid-19 restrictions. The family requests that you share a favorite memory of Bob on this site.

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Memories & condolences




February 3rd, 1930

Elementary School Photo (pictured far right)

Oakland, CA, USA

Joined the army. Stationed in Europe


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Other key details

Method of disposition


Final resting place

Queen of Heaven Cemetery

1965 Reliez Valley Road, Lafayette, CA 94549

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Robert "Bob" Pastorino